Saturday, September 5, 2015


Hello, everyone.  Welcome to this first post of our new blog, RSVP.  

Once, not so long ago, in town dangerously close to the Utah border, two siblings came together in a coffee shop and realized they often had pretty epic and in depth conversations.  Fate cruelly separated them by nearly three hundred miles and thus diminished their opportunities to have such conversations.  Over their most recent coffee shop conversation they resolved to start a blog.  The elder sib took his sweet time in putting together a site, but now here it is.  Now that the tale has been told, the introductions should begin.

W:   Hey there, dear reader.  My name is Will and I am the elder of the two of us by ten years.  I am a professionally trained cook, stay-at-home-dad, homeschooler, writer (on my third book and this is my third blog), practitioner of the art of husbandry (being a husband...not the livestock raising thing.  Although when it comes to raising children there are parallels.), and father of two.  My spiritual background is far less conventional than your average person.  As such I have what I call an “alien perspective” on most things.  I have been accused of heresy on a couple of occasions, which is important for you to know because the most critical point for you to know about me is that I am a perpetually evolving individual.  I may declare something fiercely right this moment and then realize my foolishness one minute or ten days later.  I’m not a finished product and I don’t claim to be.  I’m the guy who spent two years studying zen, fell in love with Jesus who became my Savior, takes the Bible as fact, eschews Joel Osteen, cautiously considers Rob Bell, and really likes Dr. Wayne Dyer (who recently passed, RIP).

A:  Hey y’all! My name is Amy...and I am the youngest of this particular duo. I love coffee, Jesus, church and fact I work as a custodian to support my ministry habit. Call me youth leader, music leader, VBS leader etc. or just call me crazy. I grew up in both the North known as Alaska, as well as the South known as Virginia. I am a strange breed of Southern, a Virginia Eskimo, if you will. I've since moved to Colorado, one reason being to work in ministry, and the other (known only to the Lord at the time) to gain a Husband...we marry in October 2015!
My spiritual background is rooted firmly in the traditional side of church, but I have grown enough to dance in the wind of the Holy Spirit. I claim no denomination, I just follow Jesus.

And now-the blog title explanation....

A: As stated, we have epic conversations...whether over text, Facebook, or the much preferred Cuban Cremosa. Topics range all over the place; deep theological ponderings, to diaper changing narrations in a German accent (true story).
Often we use each other as sounding boards...those "am I crazy" moments where you just need to talk stuff out.
Important stuff...
Stuff that needs to be talked about...
Stuff that no one else talks about...
Stuff that is unpopular to talk about...
But stuff that still needs a response...

Our responses will be from a Christian perspective...there is no other way for us. Not only is that the faith we were raised in through family/school/church, it is what we have chosen. We have not been "brainwashed"...we have been with Jesus, and He is the Way the Truth, and the Life.

Because we cannot stay silent, we give you this blog...